JEC Application for Service: To receive new electrical service, you must sign an application for service for the particular location you wish to connect. If not a member already, signing this application makes you a member of Jackson Electric Cooperative. A deposit will be required; however, in some cases, the Coop may perform a credit check and decide if a waiver of deposit may be acceptable. Once you become a member of Jackson Electric Cooperative and service is built, you will begin to receive a regular monthly bill with the minimum fees required. Please direct any questions concerning deposits or billing to our office location closest to you.

County Permit: This permit deals with flood plain issues and is required by Brazoria, Calhoun, Jackson, Lavaca, and Matagorda Counties at no cost to you. We must have this permit to initiate a new service request. Please contact your floodplain administrator for your county.

Brazoria County Building Permit Dept.

111 E. Locust
Bldg. A-29, Suite 210
Angleton, Texas 77515
(979) 864-1295
(979) 864-1636
Fax (979) 864-1003

Calhoun County Floodplain Administrator

Bill Zwerschke
211 S. Ann
Port Lavaca, Texas 77979
(361) 553-4455

Jackson County Floodplain Administrator

Tina Matejeck
411 North Wells, Room 130
Edna, Texas
(361) 782-7552

Matagorda County Floodplain Administrator

Lisa Krobot
2200 7th Street
Bay City, Texas 77414
(979) 244-2717

Lavaca County Floodplain Administrator

Robert Kessler
PO Box 243
Hallettsville, Texas 77964
(361) 798-5310

Easement: If it is necessary to extend a high voltage line to your location, a legal right-of-way easement is required. The property owner(s) must provide us with sufficient information to complete the easement. The minimum information would be a copy of the filed deed with the page and volume readable on the deed. The easement must be signed and notarized prior to construction of new facilities.

Meter Loop: The meter loop must be constructed to flood plain requirements and our specifications and in the ground. The only exception is a signed agreement to purchase a meter loop from Jackson Electric Cooperative and a stake in the ground marking the desired installation point.

Right-of-way Clearing: All clearing must be accomplished prior to any construction. For a high voltage line extension, the path of the line must be cleared fifteen (15) feet on each side of the line (twenty (20) feet for crossarm construction) from ground to sky. For service wire, a 5 foot circle around the path of the conductor is required to be clear of any obstruction.

For more information: Click Here to go to our Initial Contacts page. Listed there are cooperative contacts who can further assist you.


  • All four corners of your property must be clearly marked and lot mowed
  • Lot block and section must be provided
  • Mark the desired area for the service pole/meter loop to go on property
  • New service account must be established in our Jackson Electric Cooperative system.  (In the office, emailed, or faxed)
  • Electrical service permit must be obtained and submitted (see the New Service Checklist on how to obtain a permit).

Once all the criteria above is met, our engineer will meet with you on site and your new service construction will proceed quickly and smoothly (weather permitting)

We appreciate you cooperation!

-Jackson Electric Cooperative's engineering and member services departments

New Construction Application

When you need service at a location that has never had electricity.
Begin Your Application Process

Seasonal Application

When you need a reconnect for an existing meter. (Have your meter number ready.)

Begin Your Application Process

Change of Ownership Application

When you need power for a location that currently has a meter or had a meter in the past.

Begin Your Application Process

Name Change Application

When you need to change the name of the person on the account.

Begin Your Application Process

Commercial Application

When your business needs power for a new commercial development.

Begin Your Application Process

Meter Loop Specs

JEC meter loop construction specifications.

View Meter Loop Specs

New Meter

When you need to add a new meter to your account.

Begin Your Application Process

Optional Forms:

Additional forms that may need to be filled out with special instruction from the Cooperative:

Upon completion of the appropriate forms please attach your completed application, along with any other documents required, and send to  One of our representatives will contact you in 2 to 3 business days to discuss fees and finalize your application process.

New Member Handbook 

This handbook provides you with lots of useful information about Jackson Electric. We have two district offices located around our South Texas service area, staffed by employees who will provide courteous and professional service. Many of our employees are involved in the communities where they live, and they are active in civic, sports and church organizations. Jackson Electric is a not-for-profit and democratically controlled utility, which provides excellent service and competitive electric rates for you, our members!